At the 2004 National Campus Community Radio Conference in Edmonton, a series of motions was passed regarding the Women's Hands and Voices project and the Women in Radio conference. Please note: this is not the complete list of motions from the conference - just those that apply to Women's Hands and Voices and the Women in Radio conference. For a complete list of motions or minutes from the plenary sessions, contact the NCRA board of directors.
NCRC 2004: M1
Whereas, It is recognized that there is a general lack of gender balance at many stations; and
Whereas, Specific resources and support services can result in increased participation; and
Whereas, there are varying levels of resources available at each station; therefore,
Be It Resolved, That NCRA/ANREC member stations be requested to participate in an evaluation or support system audit that will be coordinated by the Women's Hands and Voices steering committee. This support system audit will include but is not exclusive to criteria such as childcare, transportation, safety, training, employment practices and policies, accessibility and in-house support such as women's collectives.
Moved by: Glenda Newsted, CHLS Radio Lillooet. Seconded by Shannon Latham, CFUV Victoria. Carried unanimously.
NCRC 2004: M2
Whereas, It is recognized that there is a general lack of gender balance at many stations; and
Whereas, Stations understand and recognize that a report is being developed with the assistance of a national steering committee and qualified researcher; and
Whereas, The report is designed to provide tools and information for stations to address the issue of gender equity and to make positive changes; therefore,
Be It Resolved, That member stations be requested to participate and cooperate, where possible, in the process and the research (for example evaluations, surveys, audits interviews, etc.) and implement to the best of their ability the recommendations of the report.
Moved by Glenda Newsted, CHLS Radio Lillooet. Seconded by Shannon Latham, CFUV Victoria. Carried.
NCRC 2004: M3
Whereas, Women artists and musicians are under-represented in music programming especially in certain genres; and
Whereas, Women artists and musicians need to be encouraged; and
Whereas, There should be more accurate and just representation of women's music on-air which can change public perceptions, help to eliminate discriminatory attitudes and provide more appropriate reflections of issues affecting a diverse group of women; and
Whereas, "Fem-con" is defined as music which meets two of the following categories: music, artists, lyrics and production by women, as similar to the MAPL categories for Cancon; therefore,
Be It Resolved, That the NCRA/ANREC recommend that all member campus and community radio stations implement a percentage threshold minimum of 30% female content (fem con) with certain genre exceptions defined and regulated by the station's programming departments.
Be It Further Resolved, That music directors be empowered to properly label fem con material.
Be It Further Resolved, That the NCRA/ANREC adopt "Fem-con" in their lobbying initiatives with the CRTC after further discussion through the network of the Women's Hands and Voices steering committee.
Moved by: Parmida Zarinkamar, CiTR. Seconded by: Candace Mooers, CHSR. Carried.
NCRC 2004: M5
Whereas, Gender equity, balance, and the participation of women is an ongoing or recurring issue at many stations; and
Whereas, This issue has been noted and acknowledged by the NCRA through such initiatives as the establishment of a Women in Radio Conference and the endorsement by the board of the Status of Women funding project; and
Whereas, More participation by women in campus and community radio can also result in more women being involved in the broadcast industry, in public policy creation and decision making, and in the more balanced presentation of diverse women's issues in programming; and
Whereas, A committed national effort will help to achieve and sustain a solution to this issue; therefore
Be It Resolved, That the membership officially recognizes the Women's Hands and Voices national steering committee that has been established as part of the Women's Hands and Voices project and also as a result of meetings and discussions during this conference.
Be It Further Resolved, That the efforts of this committee shall include research, recommendations, the dissemination of information and resources and the development of initiatives to further the goal of gender equity.
Be It Further Resolved, That this committee be officially supported and endorsed in it's work by the membership.
Moved by: Tristis Ward, NCRA Board. Seconded by: Lori Guest, NCRA Board. Carried unanimously.
NCRC 2004: M5A
Be It Resolved, That the steering committee from Women's Hands and Voices project and the organizers of the Women in Radio Conference collaborate with the 2005 conference organizers to create programming for the 2005 Women in Radio Conference.
Be It Further Resolved, That this year forward, Women in Radio Conference organizers pass information and resources to the organizers of the next years Women in Radio Conference.
Moved by: Lori Guest, NCRA Board. Seconded by: Parmida Zarinkamar, CiTR. Carried.
NCRC 2004: M6
Whereas, Motion 2002-M2 was not completely satisfied; therefore,
Be It Resolved, That the Women in Radio Conference be held in the middle of the 2005 conference.
Be It Further Resolved, That the membership shall revisit this issue at the second plenary of the 2005 conference.
Moved by: Lori Guest, NCRA Board. Seconded by: Tristis Ward, NCRA Board. Carried unanimously.