Committees of the NCRA

The NCRA/ANREC has several committees and other bodies to facilitate work in key areas. Many of these are project-based or issue-based. These groups can include NCRA board members as well as NCRA member volunteers.  Calls for volunteer members are made twice per year. 

Volunteer members must be approved by both the committees they seek to join and by a staff or board member at the station they are representing.

The mandates, membership, decision-making process, reporting structure and other key information are outlined in Terms of Reference approved by the NCRA/ANREC Board and reviewed annually by each body. Learn more here.

Committee of the NCRA/ANREC include:

internal and external policy, finance, aboriginal, Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), human resources, equity, conference and ad-hoc hiring committees, among others [i.e. when necessary]).



Chair (Members)

Work Load

Finance & Fundraising

Maintains the financial security of the Association, Looking for a new auditor (if directed by membership) and setting the budget for the next year. Heavy workload early in the year. Finance background not necessary but preferred. Meets approximately 6 times a year, mostly in Jan-June. Treasurer Mandatory.




Deals with all things HR related, as per the HR policy.

HR Officer (BOD)


Policy and Governance Committee
(Internal Policy)

To review and develop NCRA governance, policy and procedure documents with the goal of fulfilling the organization's mandate and Statement of Principles through means that are lawful, transparent, accountable, equitable and achievable.

Frequent meetings, Monthly or Bi-weekly with focus on design and discussion.

Appointed by the committee (BOD Member)


External Policy (Regulatory)

The purpose of the External Policy Committee is to act as the NCRA Regulatory Affairs department: writing Submissions to the CRTC for individual stations and for matters that affect the sector as a whole;  It also coordinates research and wider member consultation on these issues. Its work is guided by member feedback, relevant ad-­‐hoc committees, input from relevant Advisory Board members, the NCRA Board, and the Executive Director, and it is one of the few remaining working (rather than visioning) committees of the NCRA.

Appointed by the committee (BOD Member)


Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)

Meeting online, working through mostly email, a group of technically inclined individuals to assist in coordinating association-wide tech projects so solutions to major tech problems are solved.

Executive Director


Equity Committee

Meets to address the issues of equity in our sector along with our mandate and spirit of our bylaws

Equity Officer (BOD)


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Mandate to support the NCRA/ANREC in the sucess of Executivce Director Low

Indigenous Committee

To support the NCRA in fulfilling its Objectives, Mission and Statement of Principles by advising the NCRA BOD, staff and members concerning guidelines, best practices and strategies with regard to Indigenous representation and protocols within the Association.

To represent the interests and amplify the voices of Indigenous peoples within the NCRA.

To increase participation and representation of Indigenous broadcasters in the NCRA

at all levels of activity, including projects, services, operations, and governance.

To provide a forum where Indigenous people within the Association can communicate and share openly their knowledge, experience, talents and recommendations with one another and to the NCRA Board and membership.

Indigenous Board Representative


Conference Committee

A committee which includes past, current and upcoming conference hosts to make sure that the NCRC is completed correctly under the conference "handbook", and meets the motions and bylaws in place

Board of Director Representative


Time Commitment:

Committee work could be as little as 1-2 hours a year, but could also be intense during times of heavy workload (20 hours/week for a hiring committee for example).  A general average is 3-5 hours a month.

Chairs of Each Committee:

Are outlined on the specific committee pages on the NCRA Minutes Site or contact

Last updated February 5, 2020


Please apply here via google docs, or submit the form and send to barry with the notice "Committee Application".  You can also contact barry if you wish to coordinate with a specific chair, so to learn more information about the committee before you apply.