Your words are powerful:
1) Tell your friends about the program!
Friends of Community Radio is a brand new program. If you have friends who support campus and community radio and might like to donate to the work of the NCRA, just telling them about the Friends of Community Radio program will go a far way towards raising awareness about the NCRA's work!
Our Why Support page has a lot of information about what the NCRA does and how every donation can make a big difference.
2) Record a testimonial for Voices of Community Radio!
Share your community radio story and tell people why you think they should support the NCRA. Email us at friends@ncra.ca
3) Share the newsletter!
If people are intrigued but want more information, they can sign up for our monthly Friends newsletter on this page: eepurl.com/WVBh9
4) Host a cheque-off!
Writing a bunch of cheques for small amounts of money IS fun but it's even more fun to write a bunch of cheques for small amounts of money in a group! Print out some Friends Registration Forms, host a cheque writing party, and join the Friends program with your friends!
Make out the cheques to 'The National Campus and Community Radio Association' and mail them with your filled out Registration Form to:
180 Metcalfe St. Suite 608
Ottawa, ON, Canada
K2P 1P5
5) Play some Voices on the radio!
Select some Voices of Community Radio from our library and play em on air to raise awareness about the NCRA.
Thank you for spreading the word and supporting the NCRA!