Rendez-vous de la Francophonie is an annual celebration of Canada's membership in the Francophonie and promotes the French language and its numerous cultural expressions. It runs March 1-21 in 2020, in communities across Canada. Check out the project website at www.rvf.ca.
La Francophonie is an international organization representing countries and regions where French is the first or customary language and/or where a significant proportion of the population are Francophones and/or where there is a notable affiliation with French culture. Canada is one of its 57 member states. A full list of all members and observers can be found here. The newly-appointed head of the organization is former Canadian Governor General Michaëlle Jean.
To help celebrate Rendez-vous de la Francophonie, in 2015 nine NCRA member stations from across Canada produced 17 daily two-minute audio capsules that document local Francophone culture, highlight Rendez-vous de la Francophonie events, and the importance of bilingualism. In 2016, 29 NCRA member stations participate in producing 30 minutes between the 11th of January to the end of March.
To expand on the previous two years of success, our goal for the RVF 2016-2017 is to have up to 50 member stations across Canada to participate to produce 28 minutes of audio shows and broadcast weekly documentaries of other participants and their own during 52 weeks from October 2016 to October 2017. Our celebration of la Francophonie in 2017 will include also the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Canada Day. There was a total of 72 documentaries created over 2016-2017. In 2018 & 2019, the NCRA/ANREC is hosting a special day of programming on March 20th. 20 stations will be airing 20 documentaries to celebrate the 20th anniversary of RVF and bilingualism in Canada (2019).
2020 sees 57 stations from across the country providing promotion to the campign though our National Advertising System and PSA's!
This project is funded by La Fondation canadienne pour le dialogue des cultures and Canadian Heritage in partnership with the NCRA through the Community Radio Fund of Canada
2019: Day of Programming. March 20th - Documentaries to be available live on participating stations and uploaded after to this page.
2018: Day of programming. March 20th. All documentaries can be heard and downloaded by visiting this link.
RVF NCRA network broadcasting (Others not listed)
4 :30 PM - CHMR at CHMR - St. Jhon's, NL
6 PM - Bay of Islands Radio at CKVB - Comerbrook, NL
7 PM - Radio Ryerson - The Scope at CJRU - Toronto, ON
10 AM - Vancouver CO-OP Radio at CFRO - Vancouver, BC
12 AM - University of Guelph Radio at CFRU - Guelph, ON
1 PM - Radio Malaspina Society at CHLY - Manaimo, BC
3 PM - CFBU Brock University at CFBU - Ste Catharines, ON
5 PM - CKUT McGill University at CKUT - Montreal, PQ
5 PM - CFUZ Peach City radio at CFUZ - Penticton, BC
8 :30 PM - Local FM at CFMH - Saint John, NB
2:30 PM - Voice of Shuswap at CKVS - Salmon Arm, BC
5 PM - First Alberta Campus Radio Association at CJSR - Edmonton, AB
9 AM - CFBU - Brock University at CFBU - St Catharines, ON
5:30 PM - CHSR Broadcasting Inc. at CHSR - Fredericton, NB
9:00 PM - CFUZ Peach City radio at CFUZ - Penticton, BC
11:30 AM - Kootenay Coop Radio at CJLY - Nelson, BC
8 AM - CFUR at CFUR - Prince Georges, BC
9 AM - Amherst Island at CJAI - Stella, ON
8:30 PM - Student media / University of Windsor at CJAM - Windsor, ON
9:30 PM - Saskatoon Community Radio - CFCR - Saskatoon, SK
4 PM - Winnipeg Campus / Community Radio Society at CKUW - Winnipeg, MB
You can access all of the 2016-2017 shows via our HearThis page https://hearthis.at/ncrarvf/
NCRA Member Station PSA and Intro/Extro for 2017 (Left Click to download Zip)
1. CJAM-FM in Windsor, ON:
Produced by: Christien Gagnier
Released Nov 18 2016
For RVF 2016-17, this show is comprised of three interviews with three people from three different parts of the world with three stories in the francophone mosaic. Mariam Nadi discusses her experiences as a Muslim Francophone whose family came from Lebanon. Jean Paul Gagnier is a Francophone who grew up in Southern Ontario and is a superintendant for the French Catholic School Board and discusses his work and background. Randall Irshick is a Francophone who grew up in Montreal and in Windsor whose family comes from India. [English]
2. CKUW-FM in Winnipeg, MB:
Produced by: Barney Morin
Released Nov 25 2016
Metis Franco-Manitoban Barney Morin is studying Rhetoric and Communication in a joint program with Red River College and the University of Winnipeg. He has a knack for looking on the brighter side of things, while still delivering effective messages. He hosts a weekly music show on CKUW 95.9 FM entitled “Made in Canada”. Every Monday at 4 he delivers a weekly dose of Canadian music with interviews and features.In this show, Barney Morin tour you around St Boniface in Winnipeg, Manitoba, home a vibrant Franco-phone community. Settle in for a frank and honest discussion about the state of francophonie in both English and French. [English]
3. CFBU-FM in Ste Catharines, ON:
Produced by: Catherine Parayre
Released Dec 01 2016
This show is interviews with five francophone women who are actively engaged in cultural venues in the area of Niagara. First Lucie Huot, whose family came from Quebec, speaks about the historic presence of francophones in Niagara. Fété Ngira-Batware Kimpiobi and Nafée Faigou, both from the Association of Francophone Immigrant Women of NIagara (SOFIFRAN) who speak about their immigration to Canada, what they have left in their native countries and what they like in Niagara. Rachel Hélène Amran, an artist from Montréal who shares her efforts for a successful integration as a francophone artist. Finally, Clamenç Prades, who relates her experience when she arrived from Austria about ten years ago and decided to go all French.[French]
4. CJSR-FM in Edmonton, AB
Produced by: Gianmarco Visconti
Released Dec 8 2016
This show explores gender expression in the Francophone LGBTQ community, with a special focus on how French, as an inherently gendered language, accommodates the need for gender-neutral pronouns for individuals who are trans or non-binary. The nature and importance of pronouns are discussed with Rafiki Dave, Landing, an LGBTQ resource center center at the Univerdity of Alberta. Pierrette Requier, the 6th poet laureate of Edmonton, reflects on the power of language to shape identity and how languages grow with society. And Pier-Maude Lanteigne, a genderfluid student from NB, shares their story and the challenges that come with having to express oneself in a gendered language, especially as someone whose identity defies a strict gender binary..[English]
5. CHSR-FM in Ferdericton, NB
Produced by: Cedric Noel
Released Dec 15 2016
This documentary looks at the francophone music community in Fredericton using it as a link to the rest of New Brunswick. As Canada's only official bilingual province, the music produced in the province offers a particular insight into the dichotomy between the two languages, cultures and it's people. With interviews with people acting in the music sector, this piece is looking into what the francophone music community is doing well, what can be improved and what it's future may hold using two strong voices from the Fredericton music community..[French]
6. CFRU-FM Radio Gryphon in Guelph, ON:
Produced by: Sandra Doucette
Released Jan 5 2017
This show focuses on French presence in Ontario. It was last year, 2015 that we celebrated the 400 years of French presence in Ontario. . Starting with Samuel Champlain’s exploration of the province in the summer of 1615, and the settlement of Huronia with the support of Saint Jean de Brébeuf. Moving through time we tell the stories of many franco-Ontarians that have helped form and strengthen the francophone communities in Ontario.[English / French]
7. CJLY-FM Kootenay Co-op Radio in Nelson, BC
Produced by: AKO
Released Jan 13 2017
This audio segment took place in 1917 and brings to life a francophone pioneer, Eli Carpentier. Through a fictional interview, Carpentier tells us the story of his colorful life as a West Kootenay inhabitant in the late 1800s /early 1900 who particpate in the building of BC.[French]
Released Jan 20 2017
NCRA Member Station PSA (Runs Jan11-March22) (Right Click Save as to Download, Left Click to Play)
1. CFFF-FM Trent Radio in Peterborough, ON:
Produced by: Mounira Benallou
A light-hearted and touching story of a New Canadian from Paris, France, who moved to Peterborough, Ontario. A wife, mother and professional, Mounira tells us about her first impressions of Peterborough, and shares some experiences from the first 3 years of her International Adventure. [In French]
2. CFMH-FM Local FM in Saint John, NB:
Produced by: Abigail Smith
‘Work, Smile, Laugh’ is a meditation on the uniqueness of Francophone life in the largely English city of Saint John, New Brunswick. A city with a tiny 5% French population is home to an inspiring French school and community centre, offering services and connectivity to the city’s French community. [English]
3. CFRU-FM Radio Gryphon in Guelph, ON:
Produced by: Sandra Doucette
This show is about French culture in the community of Guelph and surrounding area as well as French events in the community, and schools. [English]
4. CFUR-FM in Prince George, BC:
Produced by: David Powe
This program is composed of 4 interviews grabbing the perspective of a francophone community leader, a french immersion music teacher and two UNBC students who have taken french immersion and have benefited from it in different ways. We are asking about what they love and appreciate it about the language and why they celebrate it. [English]
5. CFUV-FM in Victoria, BC:
Produced by: Kluane Buser-Rivet & CILS FM
A radio documentary portrait of the cultural diversity of the Francophone community in Victoria, BC. [English]
6. CHES-FM Erin Community Radio in Erin, ON:
Produced by: Phil Taylor
An exploration of French immersion teaching/learning in the public schools of Erin Ontario. [English]
7. CHSR-FM in Fredericton, NB:
Produced by: Jean-Étienne Sheehy
Chantal Richard speaks about the first Acadian colonies in North America. [English]
Jean-Étienne Sheehy talks about his radio show Pardon My French. [English]
Ronald LaBelle talks about Candlemas Day, and Acadian tradition. (Part 1). [English]
Ronald LaBelle talks about Candlemas Day, and Acadian tradition (Part 2). [English]
Shiela Andrew talks about the history of the Acadian flag. [English]
Trevor Murphy talks about his independent record label, Acadian Embassy. [English]
8. CHUO-FM Ottawa University in Ottawa, ON:
Produced by: André St-Jacques
We shine a light on the diversity of Ottawa/Gatineau’s francophone community through 4 interviews with CHUO hosts. [French]
9. CILU-FM Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, ON:
Produced by: Miguel Lachance
The show tells the observations of the facilitator about the Francophonie in Northwestern Ontario. The second part is a montage of the best moments of an evening of slam by the Club Canadien Français de Thunder Bay. [French]
10. CiTR-FM in Vancouver, BC:
Produced by: Tristan Koster
A brief documentary about Quebec sovereignty and the Francophone political identity inCanada. [English]
11. CJAI-FM Amherst Island Radio in Amherst Island, ON:
Produced by: Eric Tremblay
This 28-minute special showcases 4 children in the community attending French-language school. We discuss how it works at school and how knowing both of Canada’s Official Languages impacts their lives. [English]
12. CJAM-FM University of Windsor Radio in Windsor, ON:
Produced by: Christien Gagnier
The show is an overview of the history of francophone culture in the Windsor area from 1640 to the present with a focus on the history of the Gagnier family in Quebec and here in the Windsor/Essex County area. [English]
13. CJLY-FM Kootenay Co-op Radio in Nelson, BC:
Produced by: Catherine Fisher
This documentary highlights the work that our local Francophone association, Association des francophones des Kootenays Ouest (AFKO) does to promote and celebrate French language and culture in our region. [English]
14. CJSF-FM Simon Frasier Univeristy in Burnaby, BC:
Produced by: Ingrid Rondel & Nathalie Lopez
Capsules containing information, interviews, and music from different Western Canadian Francophone artists. [English]
Daniel Roa - Western Canada Francophone Musician. [English]
Rayannah - Western Canada Francophone Musician. [English]
Sainte Pierre - Western Canada Francophone Musician. [English]
Samuel Sixto- Western Canada Francophone Musician. [English]
Vaero - Western Canada Francophone Musician. [English]
Willows - Western Canada Francophone Musician. [English]
A Reflection on Immersion. [English]
15. CJSR-FM in Edmonton, AB:
Produced by: Lisa Pruden
Les Raconteurs explores Francophone story telling in Edmonton and area. [English]
16. CKAR-FM Hunters Bay Radio in Muskoka, ON:
Produced by: John Sailors
A 28 Minute audio documentary about the importance of the french language and the misconceptions of the different dialects in our country and internationally. [English]
17. CKUT-FM-1 in Montreal, PQ:
Produced by: Eve & Pandore - Florence B. Lepage, Audrey Gosselin Pellerin, Eve Tagny et Alia Chakridi
Dans cette édition spéciale d’Ève & Pandore, on vous propose un regard féministe sur la communauté du vélo à Montréal à travers nos entretiens avec des cyclistes femmes, queer et féministes, et on discute avec des femmes afrodescendantes de leur relation conflictuelle avec leurs cheveux crépus ou frisés. [French]
18. CKUT-FM-2 in Montreal, PQ:
Produced by: Donovan Thorimbert
This show is all about French Canadian Music. It profiles different cultures of music and how those cultures came to be. [English]
19. CKXU-FM in Lethbridge, AB:
Produced by: Rob Csernyik
Magazine style spoken word show featuring conversations with three Franco-Albertan community-builders discussing questions of community and identity in Lethbridge, Alberta. [English]
20. Fusion Radio at University of Toronto Scarborough, in Scarborough, ON:
Produced by: Varsha Ramdihol
This show explores the different ways in which speaking French influences one’s experiences on the Scarborough Campus of the University of Toronto. [English]
21. CJRU at Ryerson University, in Toronto, ON:
Produced by: Vjosa Isai
From Little Italy to Koreatown, Toronto has a number of cultural districts and experiences on its streets; but will there ever be a future for a French quarter? CJRU The Scope at Ryerson finds out, and explores the lack of French language bookstores in the city. [English]
22. CKUW, in Winnipeg, MB:
Produced by: Barney Morin
We explore what it means to be Franco-Manitoban with your guide Barney Morin. [English]
All Files for 2016: (Right Click Save as to Download)
Stations also airing the show between January 11 and March 31:
CFFF-FM Trent Radio in Peterborough, ON:
Produced by Phillip Abbot and Cassia Abbot-LaDuke
CFMH-FM Local FM in Saint John, NB:
CFRO-FM, CJSF-FM and CiTR-FM in Vancouver-wide collaboration:
CFRC-FM in Kingston, ON
CJAM-FM in Windsor, ON
Produced by Christien Gagnier
CJLY-FM Kootenay Co-op Radio in Nelson, BC
CKVS-FM in Salmon Arm, BC