The mandate and principles of the NCRA were approved by members during previous Annual General Meetings (AGMs). They are still read aloud at every AGM and reflect the will of the membership. Find out more about becoming a member here.
NCRA Statement of Principles
Approved at NCRC 1987 in Toronto, Ontario
Whereas, The NCRA is committed to providing alternative radio to an audience that is recognized as being diverse in ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation, age, and physical and mental ability; and
Whereas, NCRA member stations are committed to the principle of providing community-based programming to this diverse audience; and
Whereas, Mainstream media fails to recognize or in many instances reinforces social and economic inequities that oppress women and minority groups of our society; therefore
Be It Resolved, That the NCRA holds as a fundamental principal that community broadcasting serves the needs of socially, culturally, politically and economically disadvantaged groups in society.
Be It Further Resolved, That member stations of the NCRA encourage programming policies that prohibit material that is sexist, racist, ageist, homophobic, anti- Semitic, or that maligns differently-abled or economically disadvantaged peoples.
Mission Statement
Approved at NCRC 2003 in Winnipeg, Manitoba
The National Campus and Community Radio Association / l’Association nationale des radios étudiantes et communautaires (NCRA/ANREC) is dedicated to advancing the role and increasing the effectiveness of campus and community radio in Canada. The NCRA/ANREC facilitates communication among Members and provides developmental materials and networking services. It also represents the interests of the sector to governments, industry, and other agencies, and promotes public awareness and appreciation for community-oriented radio in Canada.
Objectives of the NCRA
From the NCRA/ANREC By-laws (By-law 1.09, 1986, unamended)
The objectives of the Corporation are as follows:
a. To hold a national conference at least once a year, set the annual program, and review past activities of the Corporation.
b. To co-ordinate and provide the necessary facilities for a national network of exchange of information and programming.
c. To support the practice of Canadian media arts, music and other relevant artistic disciplines.
d. To support public access to the airwaves, particularly for under-represented voices and alternative programming.
e. To collect, store, and make available a database of information about the history and operation of community radio in Canada and to make this information available to Members, interested organizations, and the general public, via printed or electronic means.
f. To offer consulting services for any group wishing to establish a new radio station under the government definition of "campus and community" radio.
g. To collect fees and Membership dues.
h. To acquire, rent or otherwise obtain property.
i. To raise or borrow funds in order to carry out the objectives of the Corporation.
j. To undertake any other activities consistent with the objectives of the Corporation which aim to expand and improve community radio in Canada.
k. To work with similar organizations and to represent Members in any and all international community radio oriented matters.