Radio Station Streams
Thanks to our friend Johnnie from Victoria, he developed this fun webpage with MANY of the NCRA member streams, Check out http://oddrad.io/
Community radio is ultimately about people making and listening to sounds, noise and music. Here's some of ours! Want to contribute? Email your audio to barry AT ncra DOT ca. (Note: All audio files in English unless otherwise indicated.)
Rendez-vous de la Francophonie (2015)
These two-minute audio capsules were produced by nine NCRA member stations as part of Rendez-vous de la Francophonie, an annual celebration of Canada's membership in the Francophonie, and promoting the French language and its numerous cultural expressions. It runs each March in communities across Canada, check out the project website at www.rvf.ca.
CKVS-FM in Salmon Arm, BC:
Collaboration of Vancouver stations CFRO-FM, CiTR-FM and CJSF-FM:
CJAM-FM in Windsor, ON:
CFMH-FM in Saint John, NB:
Voices of Community Radio
These 90-second(ish) audio profiles were produced by Penny Clark as part of her work for the Friends of Community Radio program. Check out the whole series. Or listen to a sample, below:
Station Stories
Resonating Reconciliation PSAs (Read more about each PSA here.)
These public service announcements were produced by Will Lafrance as part of a larger project that used community radio as a tool to help reconcile all Canadians to the shared legacy of Indian Residential Schools. Check out the more than 70 documentaries by Aboriginal producers from c/c radio stations across the country.
NCRA/ANREC Public Service Announcements
Sounds Co-operative
These documentaries were produced as part of the Sounds Cooperative project, which explored the links between c/c radio and co-operatives. Check out the Sounds Cooperative Handbook.
Reclaim Your Radio: November 14, 2011
July 14, 1986 - July 14, 2011: NCRA 25th anniversary/birthday greetings!