
One of the key pillars of the Resonating Reconciliation project are the documentaries. As part of this project, forty campus and community radio stations across the country are working with local Indigenous producers to create a documentary about the legacy of Indian Residential Schools in their communities. They are the result of the culminating hard work of the Indigenous producers to write, record, and produce the documentaries, and from the stations to train, provide assistance, equipment, and technical support for the producers.

The documentaries share the stories of survivors, people who work for child and family services, family members, friends, and many more people whose lives have been impacted and shaped by the legacy of Indian Residential Schools.

Below are the documentaries that have been produced, including links to the MP3 audio files. Feel free to listen and share!

For full documentary and producer biographies, visit Producer Biographies.


CFBX-FM — Kamloops, BC
Documentary: Law, Land, Language: Resonating Reconciliation in Secwepemculecw (MP3 of part 1) (MP3 of part 2)
Produced by: Amy Jones, Arthur Manuel, Chris Albinati
Featured Speakers/Guests: Garry Gottfriedson, Arthur Manuel, Janice Billy, Ryan Day, Amy Jones, Chris Albinati, Ethel Billy, Nicole Charlice
Summary: In collaboration with Secwepemc Radio, this radio documentary focuses on the ways that law, land, and language have been impacted by the Indian Residential Schools. It illustrates the connection between these three ways and the importance of their reconnection and revitalization.

CFMH-FM — Saint John, NB
Documentary: Healing and Rising Above Adversity: How The Atlantic First Nations People Aren’t Letting Indian Residential Schools Win (MP3 of complete documentary)
Produced by: Mercedes Peters
Featured Speakers/Guests: Shirley Clark, Amanda Peters, Charlotte Warrington, Vanessa Nevin, Miranda Mitchell, Sydney Paul
Music: Clip from Kevin Annet's "Unrepentant: Canada’s Hidden Genocide" from
Summary: “Rising Above Adversity" is a documentary that illustrates the horrors that the First Nations children in attendance at the Schubenacadie Indian Residential School faced, how their experiences affected later generations, and how they are now moving forward by putting emphasis on the strength of the people and how they are able to rise above and come out stronger than ever before.

CFRC-FM — Kingston, ON
Documentary: Adoption and the ’60s Scoop (MP3 of part 1) (MP3 of part 2)
Produced by: Dana Wesley
Featured Speakers/Guests (part 1): Beth and "Kayla"
Featured Speakers/Guests (part 2): Laura Maracle and Janice Hill
Music (part 1): "Greetings Sunrise" by the Four Winds Women's Singers from Honoring Our Ancestors; "Wildflower (remix)" by the Women of Wabano from Voices; "Universal Healing" by David R. Maracle from Sacred Healing
Music (part 2): "Universal Healing" by David R. Maracle from Sacred Healing; "Tomorrow" by Nick Sherman from Drag Your Words Through; "Her Dance" by Joanne Shenandoah from Covenant
Summary: This documentary follows the life of its producer and includes interviews with others on how the ‘60s scoop continues to impact families, communities, and individuals.

CFRO-FM — Vancouver, BC
Documentary 1: Reconciliation Canada (MP3 of complete documentary)
Documentary 2: Women's Centre Reconciliation (MP3 of complete documentary)
Produced by (documentary 1): Patrice Mousseau
Produced by (documentary 2): Doug West
Featured Speakers/Guests (documentary 1): Robert Wiseman, Chief Robert Joseph, Tagan Woo
Featured Speakers/Guests (documentary 2): Bea Starr, Veronica Butler, Rita Blind, Stella August, Bernie Verde, Faye Blaney, and Carol Martin
Music (documentary 1): Steve Gibb
Summary (documentary 1): This documentary shares the stories of Indian Residential School survivors and details the importance that this work continues though the work of Reconciliation Canada. It also details the path that many non-Indigenous Canadians face on their journey to discovering this part of Canadian history. By telling the story of Chief Robert Joseph, this documentary works to mend misunderstandings, and encourages building new relationships built on shared understandings.
Summary (documentary 2): The women of the downtown eastside of Vancouver are of the most affected by child apprehension, homelessness, and the residential schools. The group of women elders, through the Women's Centre were interviewed to give their accounting of these issues surrounding the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions and Reconciliation Canada's process, and give voice to the International Women's Day.

CFRU-FM — Guelph, ON
Documentary: Identity Theft (MP3 of complete documentary)
Produced by: Shonda White
Music: The music used in this documentary is from the album My Northern Home, which is a compilation of songs sung by students who attended and graduated from Poplar Hill Development School between 1969-1972 in Northern Ontario.
Summary: An anonymous collection of stories and thoughts about Indian residential schools and their impact on the present day.

CFUR - Prince George, BC
Roundtable Dialogue: Lejac Residential School Discussion (MP3 of full round table discussion)
Host: Fraser Hayes
Featured Speakers: Shalane Brown, Julian Brown, Gloria George, and Fraser Hayes
Description: This discussion was the initial roundtable planning CFUR's scope for the Resonating Reconciliation documentary. Unfortunately, four elders passed away in the weeks leading up to the actual recording and visit of the Lejac Residential School site. The project has been put on hold for these reasons, but this recorded discussion provides insight into the making of these documentaries, as well as what stations and producers considered and did during their time working on the project.

CFUV-FM — Victoria, BC
Documentary 1: The Effects of Indian Residential Schools (MP3 of complete documentary)
Documentary 2: With This We Blanket The People (MP3 of complete documentary)
Produced by (documentary 1): Janet Rogers and Brian Sampson
Produced by (documentary 2): Janet Rogers and Sacha Ouelett
Featured Speakers/Guests (documentary 1): Brian's own family members -- his mother, his uncles, cousins and community friends
Featured Speakers/Guests (documentary 2)Peter Morin, Cowboy Smithx, Brian Sampson, Carey Newman, the Mohawk student speakers are Ratiwenahnirats Immersion students, and the Elder speaker is Mohawk, Kahnawake member Sisr Charlie
Music (documentary 1): songs by Salish language speaker John Elliott, Russell Wallace, and Veronica Johnny
Music (documentary 2)Standing Nation Drum, Cheryl Bear-Barneston, Brian Yellow Wolf Sampson, Savage Family, and North Coast Rally Songs
Summary (documentary 1): Brian has family members generations before him who have directly and indirectly experienced residential schools and he is of a generation which is no longer in denial of the experience and is now looking at the effects. Being a father of two young boys, Brian went to his own family members and community friends to collect their stories and insights into where do we (collectively) go from here. This documentary won an ImagineNATIVE award in October 2013.
Summary (documentary 2)This radio documentary features Indigenous artists Peter Morin, Cowboy Smithx, Brian Yellow Wolf Sampson and Carey Newman as they use their talents and personal expression in response to the residential school experience and ways of survival.


CFYT-FM — Dawson City, YT
Documentary: Trauma and Resilience: Roy Johnson’s Experiences at Chootla Residential School in Carcross, Yukon (MP3 of complete documentary)
Produced by: Jen Laliberte with contributing editing and recording by Dan Dowhal
Featured Speakers/Guests: Roy Johnson from Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Nation
Music: Yukon Flat Gwich’in Songs, University of Alaska Fairbanks Native Language Centre, 1979.
Summary: In this documentary, Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in citizen Roy Johnson shares some of his experiences and traumas from the Chootla Residential School in Carcross Yukon, which operated from 1911-1969. Roy’s strength and resilience is powerful, and his willingness to share his difficult memories for the greater knowledge and awareness of people listening is inspiring. Jen would like to thank the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in for allowing her and her baby to live in their beautiful Traditional Territory, where this documentary was recorded and produced.


CHCR-FM — Killaloe, ON
Documentary: Resonating Reconciliation (MP3 of complete documentary)
Produced by: Barry Sarazin
Featured Speakers/Guests: Charlie Sailors and Alex Wesley
Music: Drum by Brian Sarazin
Summary: In this documentary, Barry spoke to his elders who survived the residential school experience. As a sacred drummer, Barry knows that his culture stems from the abundance that is inherent in the land. It starts with the Creator’s gift of the sacred drums. As an Algonquin language expert, Barry is teaching the children of Pikwakanagan at Mindiwin Manido Day Care. Alex is the pastor of his church, and he grew up in Fort Albany and is also participant in a residential survivor circle in Toronto.


CHRW - London, ON
Documentary 1: Ira's Search for History (MP3 of complete documentary)
Documentary 2: Linkages between Canada`s history of residential schools; reconciliation with Aboriginal people affected by abuses suffered and over-representation in the Criminal Justice System (MP3 of complete documentary)
Produced by (documentary 1): Ira Timothy
Produced by (documentary 2): Wesli Day and Shirley Honyust
Featured Speakers/Guests (documentary 1): Faye Jacobs, Jolene Whiteye, Walter Mazasumi, and Barney Mazasumi
Featured Speakers/Guests (documentary 2): Laurie Arias, Gladue Court writer in London; Colleen Johnson, a lawyer involved in Gladue courts in Walpole island; Susie Jones, Residential school survivor; Sylvia, a former Probation officer; Steve Debasige, DJ; Bud White-Eye, a survivor of residential school and instrumental in bringing about the first settlements for survivors
Music (documentary 1): coming soon
Summary (documentary 1): Ira Timothy, a First Nations Leni Lenape from Moravian on the Thames, sets out to talk with residential school survivors to gain a better awareness for himself and others of the kinds of experiences they had to go through in their childhood. Finding out those close to him and those in his community have suffered, whether as a survivor or a child of one, their stories are remarkable and terrifying.
Summary (documentary 2): This documentary attempts to address the linkages between the history of residential school survivors and those most affected today by those experiences, the children and grandchildren born into the aftermath of what happened to their families and communities throughout Canada. Although set in two communities in Southwestern Ontario, it is a story that is told and retold with slight variations from British Columbia to Nova Scotia, where as many as 69 to 80 residential schools were established. It speaks of the legacy within families where grandfather and grandmothers attended residential school, which is fraught with poverty, violence and other social ills as the reverberation are still felt by the present generation. These are some glimpses into the personal and professional lives of some of the people affected by conflict with the Canadian Criminal Justice System.


ReZ91 CHRZ-FM - Wasauksing First Nation, ON
Documentary: Identity Theft (MP3 of complete documentary)
Produced by: Jennifer Ashawasegai and Cynthia King
Featured Speakers/Guests: Vince and Anita Chechock - Radio station owners/show producers and supportive of the audio project developments; Jennifer Ashawasegai  - Trainer/Freelance Journalist - Henvey Inlet First Nation; Melissa Phillips - Scholar - Windsor University 2012 - Thesis: "Shedding Light on the 60's Scoop, Analogy on Adoption" - Melissa is First Nations from Oneida of the Thames; Chief Marcia Brown Martel - Chief of the Beaverhouse First Nation is the plaintiff in the 60's Scoop lawsuit; Jeffery Wilson - Lawyer representing the  60's Scoop Claimants that number an estimated 16,000 in Ontario Canada; and Debra, Kyle, and Jeffery.
Music: 60's Scoop - Brandon Solomon, acoustic guitar, flute and tradition drum sounds.  Brandon Solomon is First Nations from Christian Island and now resides in Kettle Point First Nation.  Brandon was not a 60's Scoop'd kid, however he noticed the people around him were, so he wrote the song.  The song is on his album Direction Four.
Summary: This is a radio documentary about a historical occurrence involving Indian kids/babies in Canada during the 50's and 60's, that has been termed the "60s' Scoop"


CHUO-FM — Ottawa, ON
Documentary: Reflection on Meanings of Reconciliation (MP3 of complete documentary)
Produced by: Jocelyn Formsma and Ana Collins
Featured Speakers/Guests: hosted by Jocelyn Formsma and Ana Collins, featuring the voices of Isadore Day, Victoria Freeman, Leanne Simpson, John Borrows, and Chelsea Vowel during the Niigaan events in June, March, and December of 2013
Summary: As organizers for Niigaan: In Conversation, Ana and Jocelyn used audio from the events that they held over the past year and reflect on the discussions. They looked at the idea of reconciliation from different directions and how so many things are connected. They comment and reflect on the words that they've heard over the last year and connect it to what they feel it means to the legacy of residential schools and where we go from here.


CICK-FM — Smithers, BC
Documentary: The Truth about Reconciliation (MP3 of complete documentary)
Produced by: Skiy ze’ Molly Wickham
Featured Speakers/Guests: Narrated by Skiy ze’ Molly Wickham, descendent of chiefs and a member of the Gitdumden Clan of the Wet’suwet’en; Ts’ake ze Wilawhl (English name Lorraine Naziel), a hereditary chief of the Laksamshu Clan of the Wet’suwet’en nation; Dini ze Madeek (English name Jeff Brown), one of three head chiefs of the Gitdumden Clan of the Wet’suwet’en Nation according to the Wet’suwet’en traditional governance system; and Dini ze Toghestiy (English name Warner Naziel), a hereditary chief of the Laksamshu Clan of the Wet’suwet’en. Spoken word "Speak to Me of Justice" by Waziyatawin
Music: 1. “All My Relations" by Ulali from Peace & Dignity Journey — Sacred Songs for Sacred Earth; 2. "Listening/Honor Song" by John Trudell from Peace & Dignity Journey — Sacred Songs for Sacred Earth (closing the documentary)
Summary: The documentary talks to two hereditary chiefs of the Laksamshu Clan of the Wet’suwet’en Nation and one of the head chiefs of the Gitdumden Clan of the Wet’suwet’en on reconciliation and what it means to them, the people in their communities, and to the producer.


CICV-FM — Lake Cowichan, BC
Radio Program: Voices of Original Peoples (MP3 of episode 1) (MP3 of episode 2) (MP3 of episode 3)
Produced by: Catherine Duchene-Winn and David Gordon
Featured Speakers/Guests: Coming soon.
Music (episode 1 & 2): John Fogerty - Don't you wish it were true, Robbie Robertson - Ghost Dance and Johnny Cash - Drums.
Music (episode 3): John Fogarty - Dont You Wish It Were True, from the CD Sacred Spirit 2 (Yeha Nohay).  The short instrumental is Tribal Dance by Peter Green.
Summary (episode 1): This radio program was designed to afford our local First Nations residents the opportunity to reflect on their experiences with the nefarious Residential School System.
Summary (episode 2): Catherine discusses the IRS system and sets the format of future programs toward Hope, Peace, Love & Respect
Summary (episode 3): Catherine outlines the IRS issue further, and gives examples of a system gone completely wrong.


CiTR-FM — Vancouver, BC
Documentary: Why can't the past be the past? (MP3 of complete documentary)
Produced by: Matthew Norris
Broadcast Territory: Musqueam territory
Featured Speakers/Guests: Dr. Daniel Justice, Dr. Dorene Nasin, Shawn Chapkwee, Rick Ouellette, Christy Charles, Sayliyah Joseph
Music: by Christy Lee
Summary: This documentary aims to educate the listener (who is most likely not Indigenous) about common misconceptions and about the history of Indian Residential Schools not often taught in schools. This documentary provides a safe place for people to learn and find answers to their questions regarding Indian Residential Schools in an open and accessible way.


CIVL-FM — Abbotsford, BC
Documentary: History and the Impacts of Indian Residential Schools (MP3 of complete documentary)
Produced by: Adam Roper, Alicia Williams, and Ashley Camille
Featured Speakers/Guests: Edward Williams, Brander McDonald, Christopher Alexander Thomas, Eddie Gardner, Herb Joe, Sadie McFee, Ray Silver Sr., Elizabeth Phillips, Steven Shroeder, Wenona Victor, Laura Wealick, Wendy Ritchie, Jonathan Williams, Melissa Sam, Denise Clayton, Gabriel George, Tasheena Boulier, Bev Sellers, and Gwen Point
Summary: This piece focuses on the history and contemporary impact of Residential Schools in Aboriginal communities in the Fraser Valley, with a specific focus on the St. Mary’s school in Mission. A further emphasis is be placed on the impact that the loss of traditional languages has had on the cultural identity of surrounding aboriginal communities.


CIWS-FM (WhiStle Radio) and CFGI-FM (NISH Radio) — Stouffville, ON
Documentary: Resonating Reconciliation in Community (MP3 of complete documentary)
Produced by: Morgan Priester and Sarah Newton
Featured Speakers/Guests: Charlene Jones, Suzanne Smoke, Alex Constable, Sue Williamson, Shirley Williams, and Ken Cowle
Music: "Careless" and "Your Sister Cried" by Fred Eaglesmith; "Tameless" by Missy Knot; Ogitchitaa Drum for the on-site chanting at Mush Hole residential School Site
Summary: This documentary looks at how affected parties are healing from the tortured history of Residential Schools in Canada as a diverse and multicultural Canadian Community. It showcases thriving First Nations' perspectives on education and also allows members of the United Church of Canada to answer for their involvement in the Residential School Crisis. It includes stories of successful community rehabilitation projects throughout Central Ontario's Indigenous Cultures. It is a collection of wise, humble, progressive, and inclusive voices that the producers met as they sought to answer the question of how can community building assist both First Nations and First Settler Cultures heal and move forward from this obvious abuse.


CJAM-FM — Windsor, ON
Documentary: What it means to be Indigenous in Canada today with the ongoing impact of Indian Residential Schools (MP3 of complete documentary)
Produced by: Andrea Landry
Featured Speakers/Guests: Andrea Landry
Music: by Buffy Sainte-Marie
Summary: This is an intimate documentary where the producer Andrea describes herself, her story, and the story of her family, friends and community.


CJLJ-FM Sugar Cane Radio— Williams Lake, BC
Documentary 1: Sugar Cane Survivors Remember (MP3 of complete documentary)
Documentary 2: Burnt Mush (MP3 of complete documentary)
Produced by (documentary 1 & 2): Rick Gilbert, Band Councillor, and Heather Mackenzie as president and mananger of the Sugar Cane Diversity Associaion Radio Station - Sugar Cane FM 100.7 CJLJ.
Featured Speakers/Guests (documentary 1): Clotilde Tillian Thomas (deceased, archival recording), Hazel Alexis's prayer and song in Secwepemc language (deceased, archival recording), Chris Wycotte, Marcella (Wycotte) Wynja, Roberta Gilbert
Featured Speakers/Guests (documentary 2)Rick Gilbert
Music (documentary 1): by drummer/singer elder Virginia Gilbert. The closing music was by children from the Canim Lake Indian Reserve.
Music (documentary 2)by ‘Jack Nitzche’ and the music is the closing theme from the movie “One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest”. This was really appropriate as it was the scene where the Indian was breaking out of an abusive insane asylum.
Summary (documentary 1): Virginia Gilbert who drums and sings in the piece was not interviewed for this project, but was a survivor and has many stories that she has told to whoever will listen. All the interviews were at least an hour in length and only a few excerpts were used for the sake of brevity. All interviewees were all too happy to tell their stories and had done so to others many times whenever they thought that their stories would help others.
Summary (documentary 2): Rick Gilbert’s Story “Burnt Mush” is a short presentation and by no means complete story of Rick Gilbert’s six year experience at the St. Joseph’s Mission Residential School. Aka The Cariboo Indian Residential School. There are much more graphic stories that just cannot be told in a short documentary.


CJLY-FM — Nelson, BC
Documentary: Definitive Lines
Part 1: Genocide (MP3 of part 1)
Part 2: Keeping the Lakes Way (MP3 of part 2 coming soon)
Part 3: Tum'xula7xw (MP3 of part 3 coming soon)
Part 4: Indian Lens/Indian Heart (MP3 of part 4 coming soon)
Produced by: Marilyn James and Catherine Fisher
Featured Speakers/Guests (part 1): Marilyn James, Bob Campbell, Robert Watt, and Taress Alexis
Featured Speakers/Guests (part 2): coming soon
Featured Speakers/Guests (Part 3): coming soon
Featured Speakers/Guests (Part 4): coming soon
Music: All incidental music used by permission of Kathleen Yearwood, Voice of the Turtle Records.
Summary (part 1): The history of the Sinixt extinction; residential schools; violence and murder; impacts of the border, past and present; and various past and present colonial policies and practices, such as the Indian Act, Residential Schools, treaty processes, the Columbia River Treaty, and inclusion in various organizations and environmental tables, or not, as the Sinixt are not legally recognized by the Canadian government or most governmental agencies, and environmental tables have chosen to exclude them.
Summary (part 2): Sinixt cultural laws and responsibilities, Wbuplak'n and Smum-iem, Sinixt language, traditions, chaptikwls, ancestors, ceremony maintained, and ceremony lost through colonization. A recording of some of the Sinixt's land survival story told in the Sinixt language by ancestor and klakwilt Eva Orr.
Summary (part 3): About the land and all that is on the land. History of the Sinixt on the land, story of ancestor Alex Christian (White Grizzly Bear), the failed Oatscott reserve, the bungled attempt to create a reserve at kp'itl'els, the history of the Vallican camp (1980s), Perry Ridge cultural camp, divisions caused by the land claims process, also about the land itself, terrain and flora and fauna, and the need to preserve the land. Archaeology and the destruction of 90% of Sinixt historical sites (more than 150 documented sites) by the numerous dams built on the Columbia River mid 20th century.
Summary (part 4): The Perry Ridge cultural camp, ecology, following cultural laws, the future, what would be needed for reconciliation. I took the title from two things Marilyn said, one that the cause of the Indian problem in Canada is that the average citizen doesn't have an Indian lens. The second from a comment Marilyn made about how some groups involved in the BC treaty process showed a lack of Indian heart.


CJMP-FM — Powell River, BC
Documentary: We Are Still Here (MP3 of complete documentary)
Produced by: Devin Pielle, Shelby George, assisted by Courtney Harrop, Emma Bell, Zoë Ludski
Featured Speakers/Guests: Devin Pielle, Shelby George, Les Adams, Janie Adams, Sosan Blaney, John Louie, Betty Wilson, Maggie Vivier, Elsie Paul, Doreen Point, and Delana George
Music: by the Cheech Lem Chi Chia Canoe Family. The song sung by them are: The Blaney Family Song, The Mourning Song, Welcome Victory Song, The Friendship Song, The Pielle Family Song, Elders Honouring Song, The Churchhouse Love Song, The Blessing of the Floor, Entrance Song, Bob George Celebration Song.
Summary: "We Are Still Here" reflects the stories of 6 Tla'Amin survivors and 2 community members among many, fighting for language revitalization. Read about this documentary’s success at a Tla’Amin listening event in a local news article here.


CJSF-FM — Burnaby, BC
Documentary 1: title coming soon (MP3 of complete documentary)
Documentary 2: title coming soon (MP3 of complete documentary)
Documentary 3: title coming soon (MP3 of complete documentary)
Produced by (documentary 1 and 2): coming soon
Produced by (documentary 3): coming soon
Featured Speakers/Guests: coming soon
Music: coming soon.
Summary (documentary 1): coming soon
Summary (documentary 2): coming soon
Summary (documentary 3): coming soon


CJSR-FM - Edmonton, AB
DocumentaryUnderstanding Truth and Reconciliation: Exploring Reconciliation, Intergenerational Trauma and Indigenous Resistance 
Subtitle (part 1): How Health and Starvation at Residential Schools Furthered Colonial Practices (MP3 of part 1)
Subtitle (part 2): Commissioner Littlechild's Own Residential School Experience (MP3 of part 2)
Subtitle (part 3): All Our Relations (MP3 of part 3)
Subtitle (part 4): Indigenous Resistance Among Generations (MP3 of part 4)
Produced by: Jodi Stonehouse
Featured Speakers/Guests (part 1): Jodi Stonehouse, Dr. James Daschuk, Dr. Ian Mosby
Featured Speakers/Guests (part 2): Commissioner Wilton Littlechild
Featured Speakers/Guests (Part 3): Dr. Keavy Martin, Tanya Kappo
Featured Speakers/Guests (Part 4): Dr. Rebecca Sockbeson 
Summary (part 1): Dr. James Daschuk talks about his research on the history of the health of indigenous peoples, particularly the effect of starvation. Dr. Ian Mosby continues the discussion by focusing on how starvation and medical experimentation were utilized at the residential school level to further colonial oppression. 
Summary (part 2): TRC Commissioner Littlechild recounts his personal experience at a residential school in Ermineskin, Alberta. He emphasizes the importance of sport, and how success on the field and the support of his coaches led to a brighter future after residential school. 
Summary (part 3): In this segment of the panel, Dr. Keavy Martin and Tanya Kappo bring in different perspectives from an aboriginal and settler perspective about reconciliation and what the aboriginal-settler relationship means going into the future. 
Summary (part 4): Dr. Sockbeson talks about how indigenous peoples have resisted and survived over history, and identifies the cultural pillars that continue to ensure indigenous surviival. 


CJSW-FM — Calgary, AB
Documentary: Education and Indian Residential Schools (MP3 of complete documentary)
Produced by: Jesse Dubois, Tahirih Foroozan, Marc Affeld
Broadcast Territory: Treaty 7, Blackfoot territory
Featured Speakers/Guests: Jesse Dubois and his father, recordings from speakers at the TRC event in Red Deer Alberta, The Honourable Justice Murray Sinclair, Charles Wood
Music: by Von Wood and Steve Gun
Summary: This documentary focuses on education and its role in Indian Residential Schools, and its continuing impact on Indigenous people and Canadians. It also details how the education Jesse's father received in Indian Residential School has impacted his father's perspective towards education and how this has played a role in Jesse's life and family.


CJTR-FM — Regina, SK
Documentary: From Victim to Victory (MP3 of complete documentary)
Produced by: Deanna Keewatin
Featured Speakers/Guests: Deanna Keewatin
Music: 1. "How Wonderful" by Ron Quewezance; 2. "Anger and Tears" by Susan Aglukark; 3. "Up Where we Belong" by Buffy Sainte-Marie; 4. "Hand of Jesus" by Yvonne St. Germaine; 5. "Women’s Jingle" by Whitefish Jrs.
Summary: Deanna Keewatin discusses how her renewed faith in Christianity is the key to her healing journey. She details the steps one can take on a healing journey using faith and forgiveness.


CJUM-FM (UMFM) — Winnipeg, MB
Documentary: Indian Residential Schools And Modern Child & Family Services: Comparing Concepts Of Cultural Genocide (MP3 of complete documentary)
Produced by: Robert-Falcon Ouellette and Tim Maton
Featured Speakers/Guests: Leonard Sunar, Val Williams, Mary Lynn Bennett, Judy Monico, Taz Bouchier, Ivon Papineau
Music: "Red Revolution" by Ila Barker; "See the Arrow" by Winston Wuttunee
Summary: Through talking to various people working directly in or around the child and family services, as well as those who have been put through the system, this documentary compares the facts, figures, and emotional distress incurred from that process to the Indian Residential School era and asks if this is a fair comparison to make.


CKCU-FM — Ottawa, ON
Documentary: Memories of Christmas at Indian Residential Schools (MP3 of complete documentary)
Produced by: Shirley Gagnon, Aggie Atagia, Victoria Boucher
Featured Speakers/Guests: The speakers in this documentary remained anonymous to protect those survivors participating in the government independent assessment process or other court proceedings.
Music: "Traditional" by Phyllis Sinclair from the album Wishlist; "Beautiful Child" by Minoh Awasis; "Nipaiamianan" and "Eku Papa-Petakakut" by Florant Vollant from the album Nipaiamianan; "O Little Town of Bethlehem" by Susan Aglukark from the album Christmas; "Gather Round" by Andrea Menard featuring Asani from the album Sparkle; "The Huron Carole" and "Home This Christmas" by Tom Jackson from the album 'Twas in the Moon of Wintertime; "Jesu Joy of Mans Desiring" by Amanda Rheaume from the album Acoustic Christmas
Summary: This documentary shares the stories of how survivors spent and remembered Christmas in Indian Residential Schools.


CKGI-FM — Gabriola Island, BC
Documentary: Geraldine Manson — Saving a Life (MP3 of complete documentary)
Produced by: CJ Rice and Ian Caplette
Featured Speakers/Guests: Geraldine Manson
Summary: This documentary deals with the trauma revealed in the Indian Residential School system by survivor Geraldine Mason. It is extremely graphic and explicit in nature. Contains mature content, and some listeners may be offended by the mature content. Geraldine displays amazing power and strength by sharing her story in this documentary.


CKLB-FM — Yellowknife, NWT
Documentary: Grandin: A Future Returned (MP3 of complete documentary)
Produced by: Travis Mercredi
Featured Speakers/Guests: Stephen Kakfwi and Rosa Wahshee
Music: Xo Adzezaa by Digawolf, Eileen by Lee Rosevere, and Cotchilly Behyene by Stephen Kakfwi.
Summary: During the 1960‘s in Fort Smith Northwest Territories a newly ordained Bishop and a young priest established a residential school like no other.  Feeling indigenous students were being under served by the system at the time, they decide to create a school that focuses on the success of the best and the brightest students of the region.  Bringing in youths hand selected by teachers and elders across the Northwest Territories, Grandin College creates a legacy of success and leadership that changes the course of history for the territory.


CKMS-FM — Waterloo, ON
Documentary: Land Defenders & Aspiring Allies: A Grassroots Approach to Education (MP3 of part 1) (MP3 of part 2)
Produced by: Liam George and Shawn Johnston
Featured Speakers/Guests: Metis activist Sâkihitowin Awâsis, Idle No More co-founder Sylvia McAdams, “aspiring ally” Jackson Smith, and Grand River Indigenous Solidarity member, Adam Lewis. 
Music: "Come Back Home" by Nikki Shawana (Gold Nish Records). "Travelling Song" by Laurier's Student Hand-Drum Group
Summary: The goal for this two-part documentary is to discuss grassroots approaches when educating other about the residential school system. The participants in this documentary share their personal experience of what it is like to work within their communities and tools that help them on their journey.


CKRZ-FM — Ohsweken, Six Nations of the Grand River, ON
DocumentaryReflections of the Mush Hole (MP3 of complete documentary)
Produced by: David Moses, band member of the Delaware First Nation
Assistant Producer: Sherri Staats, band member of the Mohawk First Nation
Featured Speakers/Guests: Roberta Hill, Darlene, Lorna, Larry Sault & Clair Heath, Blanche Hill-Easton, John Elliott, Jeannie Martin, and Dawn Martin. 
Music: coming soon.
Summary: coming soon.


CKUT-FM — Montréal, QC
Documentary 1: Forgotten Voices (MP3 of complete documentary)
Documentary 2: Healing through Art (MP3 of complete documentary)
Produced by (documentary 1): Irkar Beljaars
Produced by (documentary 2): Nina Segalowitz and Joey Shaw
Featured Speakers/Guests (documentary 1): Alvin Tolley, Catherine Sorby, Margaret Thirdwell, Rose Wawatie, and Noel Augustine
Featured Speakers/Guests (documentary 2): Eric Côté, Tuqralik Partridge, and Eric Schweig
Music: Nina throat singing and Joey rapping
Summary (documentary 1): A collection of stories shared at the TRC event in Montréal, Québec.
Summary (documentary 2): This documentary highlights the effect art can have as it reflects the reality of Indigenous artists


CKUW-FM — Winnipeg, MB
Documentary: title coming soon (MP3 of part 1) (MP3 of part 2)
Produced by: Chris Reed with production assistance by Stacey Lee Wozny
Featured Speakers/Guests: Minister Eric Robinson, Charles Nelson Chief of the Midewin, Michael Cachagee (present on the floor of the House of Commons during Prime Minister Stephen Harper's formal apology), Spiritual Elders Philip and Florence Paynter, Catholic Archbishop Weisgerber
Music: Native Drum Meditation by Kerri Lake, Ephemeral Rift and Kevin MacLeod from the Hopi Tribe in Arizona; "Ancestor Song" by Robbie Robertson
Summary: coming soon


CKVS-FM Voice of the Shuswap — Salmon Arm, BC
DocumentaryWhat's Next? (MP3 of complete documentary)
Produced by: Pat Thomas, Candy Thomas and Jolene Thomas. Special support was provided by Louis Thomas.
Featured Speakers/Guests: Producers Pat and Candy Thomas, speaking. Guests are "Barb" and "Jill", along with Ernie Philip.
Music: by Bart Thomas
Summary: What does it mean, now that the residential schools are closed, and the Truth and Reconciliation process is complete? Our documentary seeks to better understand how our parents' and grandparents' pasts, as altered by their experiences in resident schools, will affect the generations now and those to come. We wondered how are we and our children are meant to move forward now that this chapter in our history is closed. Mostly, the interviews and the process of exploring radio documentary production, gave us an opportunity to explore how we, as First Nations identify ourselves now and into the future.


CKXU-FM — Lethbridge, AB
Documentary: True Contact: Resonating Reconciliation in Southern Alberta (MP3 of complete documentary)
Produced by: Lauren Crazybull
Featured Speakers/Guests: Joel No Runner, Scott Fox, Kris Demeanor, Margaret Heynes, Ingrid Hess, Martin Heavy Head Jr., Anonymous Residential School Survivor
Music: by Ghostkeeper and Wandering Tribe
Summary: WARNING — this documentary includes some sexually explicit content. The main aim of the documentary was to enlighten the community about the past and to bridge the gap between the Aboriginal community and the rest of the population. The first step to connecting the communities to each other is to inform. This documentary features several community members perspectives as well as a residential school survivor's experience. By merging these two sides in one documentary, the producers have been able to create an enlightening and touching audio piece.


Hunters Bay Radio — Huntsville, ON
Documentary: Take our Talk (MP3 of complete documentary)
Produced by: John Sailors
Featured Speakers/Guests: hosted by John Sailors, interviewing Sylvia Thompson and Charlotte Sahanatien from Wahta Mohawk Territory in Muskoka, and letter written by a survivor from Wasauksing First Nation who chose to remain anonymous.
Music: A Tribe Called Red
Summary: The documentary demonstrates what survivors of the residential school systems experienced, how it affected their lives, and how this part of history is still relevant today. An elder discusses the impacts and importance of her experience and being proud to be First Nations. A letter is read that outlines how a survivor feels that the Canadian Government did not provide adequate justice to the survivors of the residential school systems. Finally a youth counsellor talks about the trickle down effect caused by the Indian Residential School system, and how the youth of today are reclaiming and reconnecting with their traditions, culture, and learning the language.


NCI - Winnipeg, MB
Documentary: The Healing Project (MP3 of complete documentary)
Produced by:  Erica Daniels
Assistant Producer: Renae Monkman
Featured Speakers/Guests: Theodore Fontaine, the Author of Canada's best selling book Broken Circle - The Dark Legacy of Indian Residential Schools. Jacqueline Shram, Daughter of Theodore. Honorable Justice Murray Sinclair, A Justice of the Court of Queen's Bench of Manitoba and Chair of the Truth and Reconciliation of Canada.
Music: Jason Burnstick, and the Red Shadow Singers
Summary: A 30-minute radio documentary featuring Theodore Fontaine, author of best-selling book Broken Circle. This special presentation will discuss the effects of Residential Schools and the healing journey. You’ll hear from Theodore, Theodore’s daughter, Jacqueline Shram, as well as the Honorable Justice Murray Sinclair. Special thanks to NCI FM, the Broadway Neighbourhood Centre, Onashowewin Restorative Justice Program, Truth and Reconciliation of Canada, and the National Campus and Community Radio Association.


Peach City Radio with the En'owkin Centre — Penticton, BC
Documentary: Sexkinx What Happened? For the love of Language (MP3 of complete documentary)
Produced by:  Tracey Kim Bonneau, Devon Armstrong, and Cameron Baughen
Producer, Language Advisor: Jeannette Armstrong
nsyilxcen Language Advisor: Maxine Baptiste
Featured Speakers/Guests: Delphine Derickson
Music: Music of the America’s – Turning Earth Collective, Okanagan Song – Dr. Jeannette Armstrong, Okanagan Love Song – Delphine Derickson, Okanagan Flute – Herman Edwards.
Summary: Of critical importance to the local Syilx Nation is preservation of the n’syilxcen language which, like many Aboriginal languages became endangered as a result of residential school policy. Data reports from the En’owkin Centre initiatives have shown that there are fewer than 200 Syilx people who are completely fluent in their indigenous language. Thanks to the Resonating Reconciliation Project and the power of community radio, a locally produced documentary has been developed to share stories and to provide a lasting record of survivor experiences.  


Radio Laurier - Waterloo, ON
Documentary: Reclaiming Education: Bridging the Gap between Generations (MP3 of part 1) (MP3 of part 2)
Produced by: Rachael Simon and Shawn Johnston
Editor: James Blake
Featured Speakers/Guests: Lila Bruyere - Residential School Survivor; family members Ron Simon (father), June Simon (mother), and Wilma Simon (aunt); Indigneous students Jason "Rocky" Carter and Jo-anne Absolon; and Coleman Olenick an Indigenous youth
Music: Hand Dram Singers: Paige McCamon-Sillaby, Shae Anthony, Lyle Dixon, Pilar Roqueni, Joanne Absolon, and Margo Lee. Song List: The Morning Song, Bear Song, Micmaq Welcoming Song, Swirling Water Song, Travelling Song, Wild Flower Song
Summary: Reclaiming Education is a two-part documentary telling the story of how the legacy of Residential Schools has affected our ancestors as well as the aboriginal youth of today. This is told through the stories of Residential School survivors, the children of survivors, Aboriginal students and Aboriginal Youth.


Radio Regent — Toronto, ON
Documentary 1: title coming soon (MP3 of complete documentary)
Documentary 2: title coming soon (MP3 of complete documentary)
Documentary 3: title coming soon (MP3 of complete documentary)
Produced by: coming soon
Featured Speakers/Guests: coming soon
Music: coming soon
Summary (documentary 1): coming soon
Summary (documentary 2): coming soon
Summary (documentary 3): coming soon


The Scope at Radio Ryerson - Toronto, ON
DocumentaryResonating Reconciliation from Ryerson to Shingwauk (MP3 of complete documentary)
Produced by: Pamela Matthews
Featured Speakers/Guests: Dr. Cynthia Wesley-Esquimaux, from Georgina Island First Nation
Egerton Ryerson Portrayed by: Barry Birnberg
Music: "Is Sorry Enough", from Six Nations Blues musician, Murray Porter (from his album "Songs Lived and Life Played") written with Elaine Bomberry in response to the official Apology of 2008. Background music throughout from "Only the Devil Speaks Cree" soundtrack by Marcia Coffey.
Summary: Our mothers attended Shingwauk Residential School. What was that experience like? Cynthia Wesley-Esquimaux's teaching and academic writing is directed towards understanding Historic and Intergenerational Trauma within the Aboriginal community. She has dedicated her life to building bridges of understanding and is deeply committed to public education and active youth engagement. Egerton Ryerson (1803-1882) was instrumental in the establishment of a free and compulsory public education system in Ontario and also believed in different systems of education for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children. While Egerton Ryerson did not implement or oversee the launch of the Indian Residential Schools, his ideas contributed to the concept of them. It is important to acknowledge this connection and emphasize the university’s commitment to respectful relationships with Aboriginal communities and to continuing to build and maintain a campus environment that welcomes and respects Aboriginal people. To read more about their documentary, click here

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