The Community Radio Fund of Canada (CRFC) is an independent not-for- profit funding
organization. Its mandate is to support licensed campus and community radio stations
in their work as local broadcasters in communities across Canada.
The CRFC is currently seeking two (2) student Communication Analysts to help craft
targeted messages that highlight the sector’s benefits.
The Radio Fund recently commissioned a study to detail the economic impact of
Community and Campus radio, including returns on public investment; the overall
impact of Radio Fund grants; and the sector’s reach into communities varying in size,
isolation from urban centres; and linguistic make-up.
We anticipate messages will focus on, among other things:
Newcomers to Canada
Aboriginal Peoples
Members of linguistic minorities
Listeners with social/employment barriers
Environmental Protection
Democratic engagement
Children & Youth
Public Health & Safety
Cultural Development (including Canada’s 150 Anniversary of Confederation)
The Radio Fund celebrates diversity. Targeting students of Communications and
Broadcast with experience and/or ties to the above noted communities, any serious
student returning to full time studies in September 2016 is welcome to apply.
temporary positions will run 8 weeks, approximately from Monday July 4 th through to
Friday August 26 th with a remuneration of $17/hr.