Red Jam Slam - Ottawa Slam Coordinator

Organization Name: 
NCRA/Red Jam Slam Society
Ottawa, ON

The Red Jam Slam Ottawa Coordinator will organize a Red Jam Slam in Ottawa on November 8th that addresses the legacy of Indian Residential Schools by showcasing Indigenous artists in multiple fields, from music, to comedy, to film and more.

It is being put on by the National Campus and Community Radio Association/Association nationale des radios étudiantes et communautaires (NCRA/ANREC) and the Red Jam Slam Society. 

The NCRA/ANREC is a not-for-profit group committed to volunteer-driven, non-profit, community-oriented radio across Canada. The NCRA/ANREC has a history of working with Canada’s First Nations and believes that issues that affect indigenous people affect all people. We have an Indigenous Representative on the Board of Directors and a Native Caucus.

The Red Jam Slam Society was founded on June10th, 2010 and exists to host events, celebrations, and annual festivals that feature emerging and seasoned Aboriginal artists and performers. The Society encourages grassroots and inclusive strategies that honor all Aboriginal voices and encourage all to participate with continued growth, presence, and expression within the media.

The position is a contract. We expect it to require about 10-15 hours of coordination a week and a bit more the week of the event. Applicants must be available to work the full day of the event, November 8th. This date was chosen because it's Aboriginal Veterans Day. 

The work is funded by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the department of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada and is part of the Resonating Reconciliation project.

There is office space in downtown Ottawa available for use, but you could also work from home.

Ultimately, this position reports to the NCRA/ANREC and the Red Jam Slam Society.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Contact and recruit local Indigenous musicians, elders, and performers to participate in the November 8th Red Jam Slam
  • Coordinate the technical aspects of the event, including sourcing all equipment
  • Coordinate a promotional campaign for this event using a variety of media, including print, web (web site, social networking sites, email, lists...), and on-air (PSAs, advertisements), and conducting outreach with other organizations
  • Organize with local radio stations to live stream the event
  • Manage and provide a working budget based on the available funding
  • Secure a venue that will fulfill the needs of the event and is accessible for the audience
  • Communicate regularly with NCRA/ANREC staff, the Board of the Red Jam Slam, the Slam Organizing Zommittee, and local campus and community radio stations
  • Draft press releases and contact media
  • Facilitate audio recording of the event
  • Coordinate clean-up after the event
Shared Responsibilities:
  • Represent the interests of the Red Jam Slam and the NCRA/ANREC to our members, the public and other stakeholders
  • Work with Resonating Reconciliation project staff and the Slam Organizing Committee to ensure the Red Jam Slam meets its goals, budget, and deadlines

The ideal candidate for this position is Indigenous and/or has strong ties to the Indigenous community. 
We are looking for: 
  • Experience in community outreach, event organization, public education, communications or advocacy
  • An interest and knowledge of Indian Residential Schools and how to sensitively work with IRS survivors
  • Knowledge and experience with the Aboriginal arts community 
  • Ability to multi-task, including organizing various technical tasks and accommodating people of various backgrounds, and ensuring a smooth, successful event
  • Experience in promotion and event coordination


This position is a contract to organize an Ottawa Red Jam Slam for November 8th. It is expected that this work will take 10-15 hours a week until November 8th. The position pays $1500.

There is also a modest budget for a venue, promotions, and to pay performers.

This position is a contract to organize an Ottawa Red Jam Slam for November 8th. It is expected that this work will take 10-15 hours a week until November 8th. The position pays $1500.
How to Apply: 
Please send resume and cover letter to or mail them to NCRA/ANREC Materials Coordinator Posting 608-180 Metcalfe St. Ottawa, ON K2P 1P5 Everyone is thanked for applying; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Deadline for applications is midnight ET Friday, October 4th. We anticipate the position to begin the second week of October. The contract ends on November 8th.
Closing Date: 
Fri, 2013-10-04