Outreach Coordinator - Resonating Reconciliation

Organization Name: 
Ottawa or Vancouver

The National Campus and Community Radio Association/Association nationale des radios étudiantes et communautaires (NCRA/ANREC) is a not-for-profit group committed to volunteer-driven, non-profit, community-oriented radio across Canada.

This position will work on the NCRA/ANREC’s new “Resonating Reconciliation” project that addresses the legacy of Indian Residential Schools through community radio. It is funded by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the department of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada.

The NCRA/ANREC has a history of working with Canada’s First Nations and believes that issues that affect indigenous people affect all people. We have an Aboriginal Representative on the Board of Directors and a Native Caucus.

The ideal candidate has experience in the campus/community radio sector or not-for-profit organizations as well as working with First Nations people, particularly around the lasting legacy of Indian Residential Schools; has strong communication skills, especially in working with volunteers and in consultation with multiple stakeholders; and is enthusiastic about working with campus and community radio stations across the country to better represent issues of Truth and Reconciliation. Bilingualism is an asset.

The Outreach Coordinator will be based either in Ottawa or Vancouver and will work with the NCRA/ANREC Executive Director, the Membership/Project Materials Coordinator, NCRA/ANREC members, an Advisory Board comprised of Indian Residential School Survivors and other stakeholders. Ultimately, this position reports to the NCRA/ANREC Board of Directors.


Key Responsibilities:
• Lead the production of five 30-minute radio documentaries on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) processes • Co-ordinate project outreach to c/c radio stations and to other stakeholders
• Co-ordinate five Red Jam Slam events across the country
• Co-ordinate a series of workshops on covering the TRC and the legacy of Indian Residential Schools at the NCRA National Conference in Winnipeg June 11-15, 2013
• Support 40 campus and community radio stations to recruit and train local First Nations volunteers
• Support First Nations station volunteers throughout their placements
• Support 40 campus and community radio stations as they each produce a 30-minute radio documentary on the legacy of Indian Residential Schools in their community

Other Shared Responsibilities:
• Represent the interests of the Resonating Reconciliation project and the NCRA/ANREC to our members, the public and other stakeholders
• Contribute to the production of project materials
• Help develop and implement a communications strategy relating to the project work
• Work with other staff to ensure the Resonating Reconciliation project meets its goals and deadlines

• Experience in community outreach, public education, communications or advocacy
• Experience working with First Nations people and on indigenous issues, with particular focus on Indian Residential School survivors
• Solid writing and radio production skills
• Work or volunteer experience at one or more campus or community radio station in Canada is an asset
• Diploma or university degree in a relevant field, or an equivalent combination of training and experience
• Experience with web development, design and writing is an asset


This is a year-long contract position for 28 hours a week. The annual salary is $32,000. We also provide health benefits.

The NCRA/ANREC is dedicated to advancing the role and increasing the effectiveness of campus and community radio in Canada.

The NCRA/ANREC facilitates communication among members and provides materials and networking services. It also represents the interest of the sector to governments, industry, and other agencies, and promotes public awareness and appreciation for community oriented radio in Canada.

The NCRA/ANREC, in accordance with its Statement of Principles, encourages applications from under-represented communities, including women, First Nations peoples, people of colour, lesbians and gays, people with physical and mental disabilities, people living with HIV/AIDS, and people whose age, education, or economic status may be a barrier to employment. The NCRA/ANREC does not discriminate on the basis of race, sexual orientation, religion, age, ability, or class.

28 hours a week for a year-long contract
How to Apply: 
Please send resume and cover letter to: NCRA/ANREC Outreach Coordinator Posting 608-180 Metcalfe St. Ottawa, ON K2P 1P5 Or email postings@ncra.ca PDF attachments are accepted. Everyone is thanked for applying; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Deadline for applications is midnight PT Monday, March 11. We anticipate the position to begin the second or third week of March.
Closing Date: 
Mon, 2013-03-11