CKDU-FM is a non-profit campus and community radio station based at Dalhousie University serving listeners throughout the Halifax Regional Municipality. Our mandate is to provide an alternative to private and public broadcasters and serve as a forum for diverse and underrepresented voices and artists.
The station broadcasts 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and is run by roughly 150 volunteers, a volunteer board of directors, and 5 permanent part-time staff.
Nature of the job:
The Music Director is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the music library and music database. The Music Director works with the Program Director to ensure music programming at CKDU meets CKDU's standards and mandate.
Duties & responsibilities:
● Coordinate volunteers in the music department, including music reviewers, refilers,
library maintenance volunteers and others
● Host regular music committee meetings
● Process new releases, and select music to be sent to the New Release Library
considering genre representation, quality and space
● Compile and report weekly charts to Earshot and chart ad for The Coast, The Gazette,
and other publications if applicable
● Ensure accessibility of music library through regularly updating the ABC New Release
list, catalogues, colour coding music and other means as necessary
● Hold a weekly Music Library training session and participate in monthly Trainathons in
conjunction with other staff
● Maintain and back up the music databases, including the libraries and new releases
● Facilitate library management, sorting, cleaning and refiling of records, cds, and tapes
● Maintain good communications with a wide variety of artists and record companies and
keep regular “tracking hours”
● Assist programmers in arranging artist interviews and in-studio appearances
● Facilitate the weekly production of Radio Numerica, the two-hour weekly chart
countdown show (Mondays, 1:30-3:30pm)
● Attend weekly staff meetings (Wednesdays 12-1pm), take part in consensus decisionmaking
and participate in a collective staff structure
● Assist in aspects of CKDU's annual funding drive such as event planning, soliciting
prizes and other tasks as required
● Maintain healthy relationship with the staff, board, and programmers
● Participate in monthly programmers meetings and CKDU's annual general meeting.
● volunteer management / team building / leadership
● knowledge of and interest in a wide variety of cultural and musical expressions
● computer skills: basic office, basic layout & design, social networking, information
systems or databases, Linux OS
● radio production and/or digital audio editing
● experience in community radio
● ability to work independently
● ability to prioritize tasks; to set and achieve goals
● knowledge of CKDU's programming and mandate
● experience with community organizations and/or not-for-profit organizations
● experience in or understanding of non-hierchical staff structures
Accountability, Hours, and Remuneration:
The Music Director is a member of CKDU's non-hierarchical staff structure and is accountable to its Board of Directors.
The Music Director is a permanent position, with 20 hours per week at $15.75 per hour.
Holidays and benefits are as per CKDU's Employment Policy.