Friends of Community Radio monthly-donor giving Support Coordinator

Organization Name: 
Ottawa, ON

Founded in 1986, the National Campus and Community Radio Association/l’Association nationale des radios étudiantes et communautaires (NCRA/ANREC) is a not-for-profit group committed to volunteer-driven, non-profit, community-oriented radio across Canada.

Our goals are to ensure stability and support for individual stations and the long-term growth and effectiveness of the sector. We also promote public education about community media and help represent community radio to government and other agencies. We currently represent more than 85 members.

In an effort to increase the financial sustainability of the NCRA/ANREC, and to create a way for people who want to support strong community radio in Canada to help us in our work, we are hiring someone to help develop and launch our monthly donor giving program, Friends of Community Radio.

This position will work with the Executive Director to produce written and audio materials to promote the work of the NCRA/ANREC to potential donors, build a database of potential donors, help design the details of the giving program, and contact potential donors to become Friends of Community Radio.

The ideal candidate is enthusiastic, flexible, self-motivated, and has a background (or a strong interest) in both campus and community radio and fundraising. This job is funded through the government of Ontario’s Youth Employment Fund program, and we consider it an opportunity to help someone gain significant work experience at the same time that they make a difference.


~fundraising experience
~knowledge of c/c radio and why it’s important
~strong writing skills

~digital audio production skills are an asset
~bilingualism is an asset

To be eligible for the YEF program, the candidate must be a Canadian citizen under 30 years of age, not a student, and currently unemployed (or working less than 20 hours a week.) To find out if you’re eligible, feel free to contact Yoko Kazama, YEF Employment Consultant at: (613)232-0022 ex.1778 or


The position is for 30 hours a week for 20 weeks, with possibility for extension. We expect the job to start near the end of April or early May. The wage is $12 an hour. It is based in our office in downtown Ottawa.

In accordance with our Statement of Principles, the NCRA/ANREC encourages applications from under-represented communities, including women, First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples, people of colour, people who identify as gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, queer, trans or two-spirited, people with physical and mental disabilities, people living with HIV/AIDS, and people whose age, education, or economic status may be a barrier to employment. The NCRA/ANREC does not discriminate on the basis of race, sexual orientation, religion, age, ability, or class.
How to Apply: 
To apply, send a cover letter and CV to: NCRA/ANREC 608-180 Metcalfe St. Ottawa, ON K2P 1P5 or email:
Closing Date: 
Fri, 2014-04-11