Editor-in-Chief for Discorder Magazine

Organization Name: 
CiTR 101.9FM
Vancouver BC

CiTR 101.9 FM is the broadcasting voice of the University of British Columbia, beginning as a student club in 1937, and
gaining not-for-profit status and a place on the FM dial in 1982. Run by the Student Radio Society of UBC, CiTR offers
students and community members broadcast training and access to the airwaves. CiTR offers alternative coverage of every
genre and perspective, with a mandate to support niche programming and Canadian and local artists. Since 1983, CiTR
has also published Discorder Magazine, providing Vancouver’s best monthly coverage of the local music and arts scene.
Discorder is distributed for free throughout Vancouver, with a circulation of 8,000 copies.
The Editor-in-Chief is the leader of a large team of staff and volunteers that produce the magazine each month. The
Editor works closely with CiTR’s Station Manager, the publisher of the magazine, to guide all aspects of operations and
ensure that Discorder is fulfilling its mandate to support local art, music and culture and be ‘that CiTR magazine’. The
editor reports to the CiTR Station Manager, and is expected to attend monthly Student Executive meetings and hold
weekly office hours at CiTR.
The editor is responsible for:
 Leading and managing a team of editors, writers and volunteers to produce the magazine
 Developing an editorial vision for the publication and managing all written content in print and online formats.
This includes conceiving story ideas, assigning them to writers and accepting pitches from contributors.
 Involving CiTR members in the writing, conception and production of the magazine
 Collecting, organizing, editing and proofing all text copy submitted by contributors
 Working closely with Discorder staff and CiTR staff to organize the production of every issue
 Supporting the development of Discorder writers, and holding monthly contributor meetings at CiTR
 Building and maintaining relationships with record labels, publishers, and other industry contacts
 Maintaining communication between Discorder and CiTR staff, and combining efforts in the areas of
programming, reporting, promotions, and strategic planning
 Strategizing the development and future of the magazine, in print and online
 Assisting with other projects, such as fundraisers, events, archival initiatives, etc.


As the editor and curator of a music and arts magazine, applicants require strong knowledge of current independent
and local music, art and culture. Applicants must be excellent writers with a good grasp of language and copy editing.
Experience in alternative/independent media is preferred but not required. Knowledge of desktop publishing is an
asset. Other assets include leadership and creative vision, organizational skills and the ability to multi-task, volunteer
and staff management, excellent communication and interpersonal skills, strong initiative, and ability to work under


Wages/Salary: $450 per issue
Start date: beginning of June, to work on the July/Aug issue

How to Apply: 
To apply, send a resume, cover letter and writing samples to Brenda Grunau, CiTR Station Manager, at stationmanager@citr.ca,
Closing Date: 
Sun, 2015-05-24