This position is responsible for the content of the "Abilities Handbook", an NCRA project that aims to highlight the good work already being done by people with disabilities in campus and community radio and to improve stations' accessibility to help increase the opportunities for people with disabilities to get involved.
This includes:
~contacting people with disabilities who work and volunteer at campus and community radio stations and facilitate audio and print profiles of them
~contacting NCRA member stations and other c/c radio stations to informally survey station accessibility and challenges
~working with existing "Abilities Handbook" editorial committee
~researching accessibility standards and accessible technologies for broadcasting
~working with the three campus and community radio stations in Ottawa to help evaluate and improve their accessibility and using this context to inform and refine handbook content
~writing and editing content for the handbook, the accompanying audio DVD and the associated website, in conjunction with NCRA staff
~helping plan the launch and distribution of the Handbook, once done
~solid writing and editing skills
~digital audio editing experience
~experience working on accessibility issues
~experience working with c/c radio an asset
~bilingualism an asset
~print layout skills an asset
To be eligible for the HRSDC Canada Summer Jobs program, applicants must:
a) be between 15 and 30 years of age (inclusive) at the start of employment;
(b) have been registered as a full-time student during the preceding academic year;
(c) intend to return to school on a full-time basis during the next academic year;
(d) be a student in a secondary, post-secondary, CEGEP, vocational or technical program;
(e) be a Canadian Citizen, permanent resident, or person on whom refugee protection has been conferred under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act;
(f) be legally entitled to work according to the relevant provincial/territorial legislation and regulations.
This position was funded by the Human Resources and Skills Development Canada for $10.25/hour for 30 hours a week from Monday, July 18-Friday, August 26.